October 2017
Maurizio Martinucci (a.k.a. TeZ), interdisciplinary artist and researcher, visited the Jewellery Department for a three days course on wearable sensing technologies. With wearable sensors and ever-sophisticated algorithms, we can increasingly quantify almost any kind of human behaviour that we engage in: sleeping, calorie intake, weight, number of steps walked, heart rate and many others. The SOS course aimed at exploring techniques and methods for creative use of physiological data, acquired via affordable sensing technologies. This was translated to a personal “sensory selfie”, a portrait of one’s self that others can experience in other ways than a picture, graph or a textual description.

September 2017
Theatre maker and clown Joscha de Boever was invited to give a workshop where the students were challenged to explore the word ’empathy’. Joscha asked to cross the boundaries of empathy: and ‘become’ the subject: “To become something else is so different from playing something else. As a player, you can do the sea, or you can become the sea. That’s a big difference.”
Students were asked to become an object and then transform it in to a real (theatrical) personage. In doing so the movements of the body, the emotions and the sounds taken from the object, would be the main inspiration to become a human being again. The goal of the workshop was to find playfulness within the exercises and follow authentic impulses.

Life after Death – a workshop about what happens next.
Benjamin Lignel (artist, writer, and curator)
… as soon as you leave the relative safety of school, you will
become an expert in translating your work into image and
texts, or setting it up in exhibitions. This is called ‘making
public’, and the general point of the exercise is (1) to
substitute to a physical object you made the manufactured
evidence of its existence (a photograph, a caption) or (2)
put it ‘on show’ in such a way that advertises its qualities
without the benefit of touch, let alone use…